week 35 - 52collages 2014 - thekarpiuksAs I sat down to make this week’s collage, I realized I barely took any photos at all. Oops! The week slipped by in a bit of a busy blur, which seems to be the norm these days. Back when we first had our fence installed, we cut it about 6 feet short of the real property line to avoid a public drain in one far corner. We’d been planning to have the fence re-done, though, and pushed back to extend our backyard space to its fullest potential, and just skirt the drain corner. The fence company showed up this week to complete the work in just a few short hours. The difference between the old and new fence line was pretty obvious! We’re glad to have a little more space back there now.

Lila decided she was going to start pulling herself up to standing this week, because, you know… at six months old, that totally makes sense. NOT! We were shocked, and she seemed quite pleased with herself. She owns the place now, crawling wherever she wants to go, and pulling up on anything and everything that will hold her body weight. Liam has realized that he’s not really safe anywhere anymore. Especially since the first thing she pulled up on was his train table, where he was previously keeping all of the toys he wanted to stay out of her reach. Oops! We’re all working on the concept of sharing this week, haha.

This weekend my parents came up with our nephews Will and Jackson, and we had dinner together. The boys all played like wild animals and Lila tried to keep up, but mostly just watched them with eyes wide in amazement. Soon enough you’ll be chasing them everywhere, girlie. Both grandma and grandpa read books to the kids all snuggled up on the couch together, which was cute.