Buffalo Style Chicken Pizza

Happy Sunday!

We’re finally back after surviving the move and ready to try out a new recipe this week. Firstly, the move went great. Thanks to family and friends, we managed to complete the move in a couple of hours in one giant trip. We moved about 40 minutes north, closer to my new job, and we LOVE the new place. We have tons more space and at least one fantastic neighbor. :) (Thanks for all your help, Chris!) The area is beautiful, and we’ve spent our first week exploring all of our new surroundings and getting acquainted. I love that work is 10 minutes away vs. an hour and 10 with rush hour! We’ve found some neat little stores and places to eat that we didn’t have before, and each new place we discover is a fun little adventure together.

I’ve been stockpiling some of my AllRecipes.com emails with recipe suggestions to pick through once we got settled in, and this week with football season officially into full swing, we decided to try something Sunday-Football-Friendly. What better than pizza? Normally I don’t do pizza as I find typical pizza to be too greasy. However, I am a sucker for homemade pizza, and this was no exception. We created Buffalo Style Chicken Pizza, following one of the AllRecipes daily email suggestions I got last week in the midst of unpacking.

What’s interesting is that instead of traditional tomato-based pizza sauce, this recipe calls for a blue cheese base. I know that Lucas isn’t a big fan of blue cheese, so after reading some of the recipe comments, I decided to switch it out for a creamy white ranch base instead as many others had done with success. It was great! I will admit I didn’t really measure out the ranch dressing or hot sauce exactly as the recipe called for; it was more about saucing the pizza with as much ranch as I thought was good, and then tossing the cubed chicken in enough hot sauce to coat it thoroughly before adding it to the prepared pizza crust.  Speaking of prepared crust, that’s what we used, but in the future I wouldn’t mind making my own from scratch. In a pinch it was quick and delicious, though! We used a mild hot sauce since my spicy threshold isn’t as high as what Lucas can handle, but you could spice it up more depending on the wing sauce you used. All I know is that it made for a simple but tasty pizza that we’ll definitely be making again! :)

Can you believe that October 1 is next week? Where has September gone? Monday, October 11 is Canadian Thanksgiving, so I’m soon going to be on the lookout for turkey-based recipes to try out and share with family on the Sunday before. The following weekend we’ll have our friends Kara and Jake here, and the week after that our friends Trevor and Sheila will be here. And at the end of the month it’ll be my little nephew’s very first birthday. October is going to be a busy month! :) See you soon.