I’m a little nervous about finally sharing this, but I want to introduce our latest ongoing family project… Geekling Comic: the webcomic adventures of a geekling and his schnauzer. Yup, Liam has his own comic strip now. Yup, I’m officially crazy. I prefer the term creative, though.

For those of you that really know me, you know I love creative projects. And our kid. I collect creative projects like some women collect shoes. I don’t have a lot of shoes, but I do have a lot of creative projects. It may be a bit of an obsession.

Okay, back up. Instead of saying I’m obsessive, I’ll say that I am passionate about documenting the life story of our son in a wide variety of FUN ways to share with him later in life. We already write him letters here on our blog, and I wanted to do something different with our photos.

We take SO MANY PHOTOS. You have no idea just how many; take what we put up daily on Flickr times 100, because there’s just as many photos taken each day that don’t even get posted. I’m not kidding. We’re always trying to capture our daily life and memories in photos. We’ve always taken a lot of pictures, but it wasn’t until Liam arrived and we saw how quickly time flew by and how much he changed even from week to week that we realized we needed to step it up if we wanted to capture and preserve all of those fleeting memories.

Keeping all of these photos in a gallery doing nothing is so boring; using them to tell a story instead is better. Using the cartoon/comic medium to tell that story makes it FUN.

So that’s what inspired Geekling Comic, and what will continue to drive this project. We are using comics as a vehicle to tell the story of the friendship between Liam and his BFF Winston in a fun and creative way to imagine what they’d be thinking or saying as they grow and learn about each other and the world around them together. And as Liam grows he’ll be able to contribute and write the stories himself.

So I present Geekling Comic and hope you like it. I have loads of story ideas, and the second strip has already been made and is ready to go. The plan is to update weekly, but you know… being Liam’s mom will always be my number one priority. On top of my full-time teaching job, successful GEEKSOAP business, updating our family blog, committing to taking at least one photo a day and reading and logging at least one book a day with Liam PLUS everything else we make and do…it can get a little busy. But life’s not going to move any slower so we’ll *have* to update regularly if we want to keep up!

Also, thanks to a dear friend of ours for reminding me today when I expressed a little shyness about the project what the ultimate goal is: I’m doing this for Liam and no one else. Even if no one ever reads Geekling Comic but us, it’s already a success in that it will be a unique method of storytelling for us to share with Liam one day. Hooray!

Just think: this obsessi… erm, passion means that when Liam grows up, we’re going to have so much documented in photos and text to share with him… that he’ll be able to keep. All the letters we’ve written him and comics we’ve made can be compiled into one big digital and physical book of awesome. And photos. So many photos. ALL THE PHOTOS.

Heaven help us if we ever have a second child.

Thanks, everyone, for your support as we launch our newest family project <3