the bipeds have been busy. i noticed they’ve neglected to post here in awhile, so i thought i’d take a moment and bring you all up to speed on their behalf. it’s always more interesting when i tell it, anyway. 

mom’s been busy making stuff. she posts to her crafty blog at with all of the stuff she’s been making. i keep telling her she should just post it here and add a craft tag. silly mom. she’ll make something and get out the camera, and i’m starting to feel a little left out because i’m not always the subject of her photography. some stuffed shape with eyes (that i would much rather chew to bits than see sit on a shelf or get mailed off to some random customer) or bag made from fabric gets more photographs than me these days. i don’t understand how she can photograph anything but me. i mean seriously, have you seen my handsome face?

dad sounds excited about a movie that he’s been talking about for months. this particular movie is finally coming to theatres this weekend. something about 300 bipeds vs. a bunch of other bipeds. i dunno, but he watches the trailer for it at least once a day. even i’m tired of seeing it, and i’ll use any excuse to hang out behind the computer desks with him. it sounds like all these bipeds are going to be fighting each other, so i probably wouldn’t like the movie anyway since conflict makes me chase my tail in frustration. i secretly snickered today when dad came home and told mom that they’ve got tickets to see this new movie on thursday night at a special midnight premiere showing at some fancy schmancy theatre. was it ajax? irax? imax. ya, something like that. are you kidding me? my bipeds are in bed by 8 or 9pm every evening. how they think they’re going to be able to make it to a midnight showing much less stay awake is beyond me. ya right. but that’s ok, let them go… i plan to take advantage of them being gone by sneaking a nap on the bed anyway.

and me? well, my thankless job of protecting the house from shadows and reflections on the ceiling is neverending. i mean, if i don’t take care of these pests, who will? surely not the bipeds, because they seem to think it’s all in my head. hrmmpfh.