What a great week! On Monday I got a little time to work in my new classroom and Liam got a chance to check out some of the toys in his new classroom, too. Winston had a haircut and looks (and smells) great again! Our friends Rob and Stef got into town early Tuesday to spend the week with us! Lucas and I were roommates with Rob for three years back when we lived in Calgary, and it was so good to spend time together after so long. We hadn’t seen Rob and Stef in two years, and believe it or not, we’ve hit our five year anniversary of being back in the states as of last month. We had so much fun! Mostly just making sure they got to experience some of the things they can’t get in Calgary, like Steak ‘N Shake (haha) and the Indiana State Fair. Thanks to mom and dad, we got a night out to go to dinner with them sans kiddos. On their last full day here, we took them to the Indiana State Fair. Liam met some sheep and got to ride the ferris wheel with daddy. Just one more week left of summer…