week 32 - 52 collages - thekarpiuksAnother busy work week! I think I’m finally getting back into the groove. Tomorrow is Liam’s first day of school so we had to restock all of his goodies to send in to his classroom and label everything. He will be so excited to find that he has his same teacher again! Most of the fun happened on the weekend, when we had more time to relax and take more pictures. We had some nice weather and went for a walk, and Liam and daddy counted cars together on the big rock at the end of the street. We played outside, and daddy taught Liam how to play catch with a soccer ball. We grilled steak & veggie kebobs on the grill, and Liam Skyped with Rudy, mom & dad’s dog. (We Skyped with them, too, of course!) We had chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast this morning, and Liam was a big help at the grocery store. We tried out a new recipe, ice cream bread, and it turned out great! We made it with 1.5 cups of self-rising flour and 2 cups of strawberry ice cream. (Don’t use fat free or sugar free!) Bake for 45 mins at 350F. Not too sweet; perfection!