Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving! You’d think with a short work week and a long holiday weekend that I’d have taken lots of photos, but somehow I didn’t take that many. Liam had his first school Thanksgiving feast and I was lucky enough to be invited over to take pictures of the adorable celebration. Our dear friends from Calgary, Michelle and Dayna, flew all the way from Canada to spend the holiday with us, which was truly something to be thankful for. They arrived Wednesday and took part in our tradition of Thanksgiving dinner with family down at my brother’s house. Dad and Herman fried a turkey like we did last year, and all of the food was delicious. The boys (Liam and his cousin Will) did a great job of making sure grandpa fried the turkey properly by overseeing from their chairs in the garage. Liam has really been into helping in the kitchen lately, so he made the pumpkin bars that we took for Thanksgiving dessert. Getting to spend time with family and friends is what Thanksgiving is all about. And though the family photo of Lucas, Liam and I wasn’t taken this week and so shouldn’t technically be in this week’s collage, I couldn’t help but include it to represent how thankful I am for our little family, too. Happy Thanksgiving!