This week was mostly cold and rainy, but we did have one day that was warm enough for a quick rollerblade around the neighborhood. Liam was delighted to see the geese were still at the lake, and began to imitate their honking. Liam & Winston took a bath together, which was comical, and a friend sent Liam a fantastic (and HUGE) dinosaur learning fun book that he loves to read. We picked up a reusable Cars grocery bag while at the store, and Liam carried groceries out to the car all by himself. And by “carried” I really mean “dragged.” (It was adorable.) We went out to dinner one night, and Liam showed us how he could navigate and operate the apps on daddy’s phone to keep himself entertained while waiting for our food to arrive. And in sad news, I said goodbye to my beloved 7 year old moose pajama pants. Another week has gone by in 2013!