Today we had the big ultrasound appointment we’d been waiting for; the one where they do all of the measurements and check to make sure everything is developing properly. But we were also looking forward to this appointment because this would be when they’d tell us whether we were having a boy or girl geekling, and we just couldn’t wait to find out.
Without a doubt, we’re having a little baby boy – a mini Lucas! We are tickled pi… blue? and so very excited!
The best news was hearing them tell us how perfect everything looked. We were AMAZED at the things they could see on the ultrasound today, and what things they could tell about the baby’s development from just a few measurements or a couple dots or blobs on the screen that were constantly moving. Apparently, baby enjoyed whatever I had for breakfast and was wide awake and constantly moving the whole time, which made us giggle as the ultrasound tech tried to snap a quick picture or freeze the screen to take a measurement. Our little boy is healthy and developing right on schedule. That was the happiest part, and we just could not have glowed more after finding out the sex AND knowing he’s healthy.
In addition to the typical ultrasound photos (the one above was my favorite of the bunch – a cute look down from above at his little face – and check out his brain!) we also got a 3D one, which was really cool. The rest we’ve put into a set on our Flickr page. Previews below!
As for naming our baby boy, we’ve had both boy and girl names picked out for a long time now. We’ll be naming the geekling Liam Richard – sticking with our favorite “L” name and the middle name after Lucas’ dad.
We’ve been keeping photos throughout the pregnancy in our Geekling Flickr photo gallery – previews below. We’ll keep adding bits and pieces to it as we prepare for Liam’s arrival this summer!
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