After such an eventful weekend attending and celebrating the wedding of our friends, Kali and Caley, I decided it was high time I updated our photo gallery. Along with the wedding photos, there’s a new picture or two of Oliver and I; we got our pictures “professionally” done a few weeks ago at Petcetera and Lucas took some great shots of Ollie and I in Prince’s Island Park this weekend, too.
Speaking of pictures, I’m sure you’ll want to check back after this weekend- our Pirate Pub Crawl- there will undoubtedly be a ton of new swashbucklin’ photos to take a gander at. And no, for the last time… we did not make this holiday up. International Talk Like a Pirate Day is this coming September 19, and you can read more about the official holiday that prompted our pirate pub crawl celebration here.
Yarrr! Enjoy the new pictures, and congratulations to Kali and Caley!