The Art Gallery
I knew the day would come that I’d look at the pile of kid artwork that I’d been stacking up in the guest room and make a decision. Do I keep them? Do I throw them away? They’re only going to multiply, like tribbles. How do I decide what to keep and what to throw […]
Look What We Made: DIY Bathtub Paint
Christmas break is almost over and in looking back over the past two weeks, I realize that we packed A LOT of fun into our time off together. What a great vacation! This week it’s been really cold outside, and after feeling a little restless, we decided to whip up some bathtub paint to try […]
Look What We Made: Thumbprint Reindeer Gift Tags
It’s officially winter break and our little family has two full weeks off together ahead of us. HOORAY! It should come as no surprise that we wasted no time in doing some fun holiday crafts together here on day one. We needed some festive tags to mark all of the gifts we were wrapping, and […]