He’s Here! Welcome, Liam Richard
Not that I have time to blog, but just wanted to let you know that Liam arrived on Thursday, June 30 at 9:18pm. He weighed 8lbs 3oz and was 22 inches long and resulted from a relatively easy labor and delivery. Everyone is doing well, and Liam is of course absolutely perfect and we are […]
The Karpiuks Went to Dragon Con!
New photos! New photos! Last weekend Lucas and I attended Dragon Con in Atlanta, GA, and there are lots of new photos to share from our adventures there. We hopped in the car after work on Friday and drove to Georgia with our friend Chris. It was a fun roadtrip! We arrived late but got […]
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you and yours from the Karpiuk family! To kick off 2010, we’ve given our blog a major facelift, as you’ve probably noticed. Not only do we have a new layout, but we’ve got a whole new domain as well. The old gallery system has been replaced by a slick Flickr account […]