Healthwii Gaming

Nintendo’s conscious efforts to combine and promote fun and fitness for all ages is truly impressive. “Fun” is one of those boring, overused words, but I can’t help that I find the word synonymous with Nintendo and its games. If you looked up “fun” in my thesaurus, you’d find Nintendo listed first. Nintendo is trying […]

I got a Wii! My Review.

My 27th birthday is next week but we have plans to head out of town right after, so I’m super lucky to have the world’s greatest man, who not only thought of giving me my gift a week early so I’d have enough time to play with it, but the gift itself is on a […]

Our Christmas Tree!

Ok so this is more of an announcement and plug for our gallery than it is a true blog, but bear with me. The putting up and decorating of our Christmas tree was a lot of fun and it turned out really well, so I can’t help but share and show it off proudly. We […]